
  • How Post-Surgery Physical Therapy Helps Those Recovering From Cancer

    The dangers of cancer are often best assessed and treated using a myriad of medical care options, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and much more. Unfortunately, some types of cancers may not be treatable in this way and must be removed with surgery. While this option is beneficial for a person's ultimate health, it can cause side effects that may require physical therapy to fully assess and treat. Cancer Surgery Can Have a Heavy Physical Impact
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  • Is Your Child Ill? When You Should Take Your Child to the Pediatrician

    It can be difficult sometimes when your child is ill if you should take them to the pediatrician or not. You don't want to feel like a hypochondriac if you're taking your child to the doctor every time they have a cough, but it can be worrisome when your little one is ill and you aren't sure what to do about it. A call to the pediatrician's office when your child is ill is one thing you can do, and you may be able to talk to a nurse over the phone to discuss your child's symptoms.
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  • How Leukapheresis Helps A Person's Stroke Risk

    Leukemia is a very dangerous type of cancer and is one that must be properly assessed and treated ASAP to minimize its impact on a person's life. However, this disease is one that can trigger a myriad of other conditions that may complication a person's treatment, such as a higher risk of stroke. As a result, it is important to consider leukapheresis in this situation. Leukemia May Increase a Person's Stroke Risk
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  • Common Questions About CBD Tinctures

    Science and medicine are beginning to reveal significant perks regarding marijuana, hemp, and the chemicals that these plants produce, like THC and CBD. But if you're a newcomer to these substances, you can end up becoming very confused as to what each thing does. If you've heard that CBD can be good for you but don't know much about it, or its common formulation as a tincture, then here's what you ought to know.
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  • Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis-Related Joint Pain

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammatory condition that is considered an autoimmune disorder. Not only does it cause pain, inflammation, redness, and deformity of the joints, but it can also cause systemic symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, fevers, and loss of appetite. Here are some effective treatment options your rheumatologist may recommend to help ease your symptoms so that you can live more comfortably.  NSAIDs If you are unable to tolerate the side effects of narcotic pain relievers or other prescription pain medications, then your rheumatologist may recommend over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs.
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  • The Pros and Cons of TMS Therapy for Depression

    Depression can be incredibly debilitating. So often, patients become frustrated when they try treatment after treatment and find that nothing fully alleviates their symptoms. Treating depression is complicated, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, if the more popular medications and treatments have not given you relief, there are other options, one of which is TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation. This treatment, which delivers magnetic field pulses to certain nerves, has helped many patients with depression.
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  • Why You Should Go To The Podiatrist

    A podiatrist is a foot care specialist that specializes in all things foot related. If you have an injury or another foot-related health issue, you should go to the podiatrist. They have the knowledge of what is going on with your feet. If you aren't sure if you should go to the specialist, read on for reasons why you should. 1. Proper Medical Care Sure, you can go to your regular healthcare professional about your foot issue, but if you go to a specialist, they are going to have more knowledge about what is going on with your foot problem.
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  • 3 Health Benefits Of Probiotic Supplements For Kids

    As you're browsing the supplement aisle or perhaps searching for supplements online, you may notice something about the probiotic supplements. Many of them are advertised as being safe not only for adults, but also for kids. As an adult, you may take a probiotic supplement to regulate your digestion or counteract the effects of antibiotics, but have you considered giving such a supplement to your kids, too? These supplements are not only safe for kids — they can actually offer a lot of benefits.
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  • Reasons You May Want To See A Neurologist

    Most people do not spend a lot of time thinking about going to the doctor at all, let alone whether or not they should go see someone like a brain specialist. However, brain specialists, also known as neurologists, can provide people with numerous benefits and treatments that can help them with their daily lives. Most people just don't realize when they should go schedule a neurologist appointment. Get to know some of the reasons that you might want to see a neurologist.
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  • Lost Substantial Weight? Consider Body Contouring

    You've been working diligently on losing weight for years, and you are finally near your goal weight. However, there's one problem: you have a lot of loose skin that is now preventing you from having the body you always imagined you'd have after weight loss. Luckily, there is a solution — a procedure called body contouring. Here's a look at the basics to help you determine if this is a good next step for you.
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