Don't Let People Convince You About These Food Allergy Myths
Posted on: 10 January 2020
If you or your child has food allergies, then you know how serious and life-disrupting they can be. However, many of your family members, friends, and associates may try to give you advice about food allergies or convince you of things that aren't true about them. It's important to be aware of those myths and misconceptions and be prepared to counteract them if someone fails to take you seriously. Here are some things that people believe about food allergies that aren't true.
Food Allergies Aren't Serious
Some people try to downplay your allergies by telling you that they're not that serious, but nothing can be further from the truth. While sometimes reactions vary and may be mild from time to time, they can be unpredictable. In some cases, food allergies are life-threatening and require immediate medical treatment.
Food Allergies Most Often Affect Children
While food allergies commonly start in childhood, allergies can develop at any time in life. Adult-onset food allergies are fairly common, and you could even develop a food allergy to something that you've eaten all of your life with no problem.
Food Allergies Only Involve a Few Foods
Some people think that food allergies only involve a few foods, like peanuts and milk, but a wide range of foods can cause an allergic reaction. However, eight foods are known to cause the most trouble: soy, milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, fish, and shellfish.
Food Allergies Can Be Easily Be Eliminated
You may have been told that all you need to do to eliminate food allergies is to take more vitamins or even actually eat the food you are allergic to. This is extremely dangerous advice, and you should never attempt to eat foods that you are allergic to because you never know how serious your reaction will be.
Food Allergies Are Caused by Artificial Ingredients
Many people believe this because some people react to additives the same way to additives as some people react to allergens. For example, some people get hives from certain additives, but this extremely rare. Food allergies are caused to an allergic response to a specific protein in a food even if there are no additives involved at all.
People may think that they are being helpful when they give you poor advice about food allergies, but they are not experts. Therefore, if you have any concerns about any of this advice, you should clarify them with your doctor. When it comes to something as serious as food allergies, then seek out food allergy treatment from qualified medical professionals.