Signs And Symptoms Of Declining Testosterone Levels
Posted on: 4 January 2022
Hormones are regulatory chemicals produced in the body that control organ and cell activities. For instance, testosterone is a male hormone produced in the testicles responsible for various masculine characteristics such as facial hair, deep voices, and a muscular build. Thus, men should maintain normal testosterone levels to remain healthy and active. However, testosterone levels in men start declining as they age. Low testosterone levels cause hormonal imbalance that affects men in various ways, such as their mood, sexual desire, and energy levels. As such, those exhibiting signs of low testosterone should consider seeking low T treatment. One should note that while the decline in testosterone levels occurs naturally as men age, factors like injuries or infections may expedite the decline. Other health complications may also exhibit similar symptoms. Thus, you should consult a certified medical practitioner to determine your testosterone levels, especially if you start experiencing the symptoms. Doctors use blood tests to diagnose low testosterone levels before administering the appropriate low T treatment. Here are a few signs and symptoms of low testosterone levels.
Noticeable Physical Changes
Testosterone is the hormone responsible for male characteristics, such as developing a muscular build. Thus, low testosterone levels and hormonal imbalance impacts men's physical appearance and development as they age. Low testosterone causes men to decrease their bone density, muscle mass, and physical strength, making them weaker. They also experience increased body fat with a corresponding decrease in muscle bulk. Moreover, some men also develop hair loss, gynecomastia, and depletion in energy levels. Those experiencing such noticeable physical changes should seek low T treatment to elevate their testosterone levels and improve their physical health.
Decrease in Sexual Function and Performance
Most men experience a decrease in sexual desire and performance as they become old. The decline in sexual performance affects someone's confidence, making them embarrassed. Others experience difficulties in sustaining erections. Furthermore, low testosterone levels also lead to infertility. As such, physicians use low T treatment to help men regain their sexual performance and desire by artificially boosting their testosterone levels. Those with low sexual function and performance issues should consider this treatment to regain their sexual prowess.
Changes in Emotional Behaviors
Low testosterone levels lead to various emotional changes, such as decreased mood, confidence, and motivation. It can affect one's quality of life, making them anxious and depressed. Low T treatment boosts someone's testosterone levels, thus elevating their mood and confidence. It also helps those who rely on antidepressants to maintain their emotional balance since it improves their health, allowing them to get off the medication. Men should watch out for these signs and symptoms to seek professional assistance early.
For more information on low T, contact a professional near you.