4 Signs You May Need Counseling During The Current Pandemic

Posted on: 14 July 2020
If you're feeling the effects of COVID-19 shutdowns, you're not alone. A recent poll found that about 45% of US adults are experiencing some form of mental health disturbance because of the pandemic. The health crisis has affected just about everyone in one way or another. That's because so much has changed. Schools have closed, businesses have shut down, and families have been struck by the virus. If your mental health has been affected by the current pandemic, you need to know that help is available.
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Ways The Mckenzie Method Helps Writers With Bad Backs

Posted on: 8 July 2020
Successful writers often have to work for hours at a time to ensure that they get enough work done every day. Unfortunately, this may impact their health by triggering a myriad of back pain issues. As a result, it may be important for those in this position to get help from a high-quality McKenzie Method physical therapist as soon as is possible. Back Pain May Impact Many Writers Writers don't have very active careers.
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How Medical Cannabis Can Help With Covid-19 Anxiety

Posted on: 8 July 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads and worsens, many people may find themselves suffering from a higher risk of panic attacks or other types of excessive anxiety. These fears can take over a person's life and make it nearly impossible for them to live a normal and healthy life. Thankfully, alternative care options like medical marijuana may provide the relief that a person needs to feel happy and healthy. COVID Anxiety is Troubling
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Having Trouble Swallowing Food? You May Need Esophageal Dilation

Posted on: 30 June 2020
If you are having trouble swallowing your food when eating, you may be suffering from dysphagia—the medical term for swallowing difficulties. People with dysphagia may cough or choke when eating, have food come back up—sometimes through the nose, have excess saliva, or have a sensation that food is stuck in chest or throat. Take a look at what causes dysphagia and how general surgery, like esophageal dilation, can help. Why Are You Having Trouble Swallowing Food?
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