Don't Let People Convince You About These Food Allergy Myths

Posted on: 10 January 2020
If you or your child has food allergies, then you know how serious and life-disrupting they can be. However, many of your family members, friends, and associates may try to give you advice about food allergies or convince you of things that aren't true about them. It's important to be aware of those myths and misconceptions and be prepared to counteract them if someone fails to take you seriously. Here are some things that people believe about food allergies that aren't true.
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Why It's So Important To Have A Family Physician

Posted on: 9 January 2020
The statement "Health is wealth" is true in every sense of the word. No matter how great things may be going for you and your family it won't be as sweet if someone isn't feeling well. A good doctor is a health maintenance partner who works with you to help treat and prevent physical issues. If you're used to going to different physicians depending on who is available at the time, take a look at why you should make a firm commitment by partnering with a set family physician.
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What To Consider When Shopping For A Vaccine Refrigerator For Your Clinic

Posted on: 9 January 2020
It is imperative to make sure that you always have a properly working refrigerator to store all vaccines in. If you only have the one refrigerator and it suddenly breaks, you risk ruining all of those vaccines. This will be a huge financial loss to your clinic. Also, you will end up with some patients that will end up with delays in their vaccine treatment schedule because you have to order a new shipment of vaccines and get a new refrigerator to store them in.
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Beginning A New Clinical Trial? Why You Need To Work With A Clinical Trial Operations Service

Posted on: 9 January 2020
If you're about to embark on a clinical trial and you haven't signed on with an operations service, you're missing a vital part of your team. Clinical trials require precision and attention to detail — two things that are difficult to obtain without the assistance of a clinical operations service. One of the benefits of working with an operations service during your clinical trial is that they'll handle all the details that you don't have time for, which will allow you to focus on the task at hand: getting successful results.
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